Friday, January 14, 2011

Hypothyroid and Developmental Delay

During my pregnancy with Logan I had gestational diabetes which was treated with diet as it wasn't severe. About 6 months after his birth I was feeling very drained, irritable and had been gaining more weight. I decided to see my doctor to see if I had type 2 diabetes as I understood (from my "Dr. Google" research) that those were some symptoms. Some might have brushed those symptoms off on being a new mom too. But, I come from a long line of hypochondriacts so I went to the doctor! :) I am glad I went b/c my doctor noted that I had a goiter in my neck around my thyroid. He asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with thyroid issues. WAAAY back in college the doctors tested me for hypothyroid, but results came back as everything being normal. So my doctor sent me for some labs and a ultra sound of my neck. When the labs came back it showed that I had severe hypothyroid. So my doctor started me on medication right away. Hypothyroid actually explained a lot of other medical issues that I had in the past as well. Such as heavy periods, irregular periods, weight gain, difficulty getting pregnant, irritability, dry patches of skin, hair loss etc. Hypothyroid basically messes with all your if we women don't have enough problems with hormones!

Even while I felt better on the medication, for some irresponsible reason I didn't take my thyroid medication that next year like I should have. I waited long periods between refills etc. But it did work well enough b/c about 4 months after I started taking the medication I got pregnant again!! That's when God blessed us with Cole! :) Through out Cole's pregnancy I continued my irresponsible way of taking the medication. My OB tested me twice to be sure that my thyroid levels were ok but the last time he checked them were half way through the pregnancy.

Fast Forward>>>>>

After discovering my boys delays I started researching (Dr. Google at it again) things on the internet about developmental delay. Somewhere in the midst of this Dr. Googling I found an article that connected untreated Hypothyroidism w/ Developmental Delay. This was interesting and eye opening for me! NO ONE told me that there could be any type of connection between my untreated Hypothyroidism and my kids Developmental Delay. I finally went to see an endocronologist about it. I basically went to just ask him this question "Can my untreated hypothyroidism be connected to my children's developmental issues?". His answer was laid back and he pretty much brushed it off saying, "Hypothyroid CAN cause a delay, but it would only be a 'slight' delay like the difference between an A and C student". My mom pointed out that what if you have a student who is normally a "C" student! So yes, it can be a cause for their developmental delay. This article explains the connection. I became finally more diligent about taking my medication.

Fast Forward >>>>

In 2008 I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I was so excited and armed with the information about the connection between hypothyroid and developmental delay I was diligent in taking my medication and making sure my levels were right during my pregnancy. My pregnancy was pretty normal (despite early signs of gall bladder issues...blah) and gestational diabetes and being older! Mikayla was born January of 2009! She is growing and developing totally on target. She amazes me in what she says at 2 years old! I feel like it's somehow proof that untreated hypothyroid is connected.

The thing with hypothyroid is that it doesn't always show up until after a pregnancy. I'm not sure of the medical reason for that. But I've heard that over and over again. So I guess my advice to anyone trying to get pregnant is that you have your thyroid checked to be sure your levels are right. And always take your medication as prescribed!

1 comment:

  1. I was really annoyed with my weight increase due to thyroid problems. My moods changed quickly which created many problems in my family. Now I do not have any problems and have a peaceful family now. Bovine supplement is really great.
